
Python Full Stack Development

Course Description

This comprehensive Python Full Stack Development course is designed for individuals seeking to master both front-end and back-end technologies. You will gain hands-on experience in building robust, scalable web applications using Python. The course covers everything from server-side scripting to client-side interfaces, ensuring you become a well-rounded developer capable of handling end-to-end development projects.

What you'll learn in this course?

In this course, you will delve into various aspects of full stack development using Python. You will learn how to design and implement web applications, handle databases, and ensure that your applications run smoothly across different environments. By the end of the course, you'll have a solid understanding of both front-end and back-end development, allowing you to create dynamic and interactive web solutions.

  • Master Python for back-end development, using Django

  • Develop interactive front-end interfaces with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

  • Work with databases using SQL and NoSQL solutions

  • Learn to integrate APIs and manage server-side logic

This course will equip you with the skills needed to tackle complex development challenges and create full-featured applications. By combining theoretical knowledge with practical projects, you'll be ready to step into the world of full stack development with confidence and expertise.

Course Curriculum

Delve into full-stack development using Python, covering everything from back-end server-side scripting to front-end web development, using popular frameworks and tools.

  • Introduction to HTML and VS Code Setup
  • HTML Project Structure and Developer Tools
  • Essential HTML Tags and SEO Fundamentals
  • Working with Text Formatting Tags (h1-h6, p, span, etc.)
  • Creating Forms and Utilizing Input Elements
  • Structuring Data with Tables and Embedding Multimedia

  • Introduction to CSS and Selector Fundamentals
  • CSS Selector Specificity, Inheritance, and the !important Declaration
  • Styling with Pseudo-classes, Colors, Borders, and Units
  • Advanced Techniques: calc(), Importing Stylesheets, and Background Properties
  • Efficient Styling with CSS Variables
  • Mastering Fonts, Text Styling, and the Box Model
  • Typography Best Practices for Web Design
  • Controlling Element Layout with the Display Property
  • Positioning Elements and Implementing Flexible Layouts with Flexbox
  • Responsive Web Design with CSS Media Queries
  • Creating Animations Using CSS @Keyframes
  • Practical HTML and CSS Project Development

  • Introduction to Git: Setup, Initialization, Adding & Committing Changes
  • Branching, Tagging, Merging, and Resolving Conflicts in Git
  • Collaborative Development with GitHub: Forking and Pull Requests

  • Introduction to JavaScript and Development Environment Setup
  • Variables, Data Types, and Naming Conventions
  • Operators, Expressions, and String Manipulation
  • Error Handling and Debugging Techniques
  • Working with Numbers, Math Functions, and User Alerts
  • Control Flow with Conditional Statements (if, else, else if)
  • Advanced Conditional Logic: Switch Statements and Ternary Operators
  • Iteration and Looping Constructs (for, while, do while)
  • Defining and Utilizing Functions in JavaScript
  • Exploring Functional Programming: Anonymous and Arrow Functions
  • Managing Collections of Data with Arrays
  • Understanding and Working with Objects in JavaScript
  • Object-Oriented Programming: Introduction to Classes
  • Data Exchange Formats: JSON and Introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM)
  • DOM Manipulation: Accessing HTML Elements and Applying CSS Styles
  • Event Handling, User Interactions, and JavaScript Modules
  • Client-Side Data Storage with the Web Storage API
  • Mastering High-Order Functions: forEach, map, filter, reduce
  • Asynchronous JavaScript: Callbacks and Promises
  • Fetching Data from APIs and Using Async/Await
  • Building a Dynamic Web Application with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

  • Introduction to React and Project Setup
  • Understanding React Project Folder Structure
  • Components, Pages, and File Organization in React
  • JSX Syntax and Inline CSS Styling
  • Passing Data Between Components with Props
  • Handling Events and User Interactions
  • Managing State and Side Effects with useState and useEffect
  • Sharing State Globally with the Context API
  • Implementing Navigation with React Router DOM
  • Building a Single-Page Application with React

  • Introduction to Next.js: Setup and Project Structure
  • File-Based Routing and React Server Components
  • Navigation, Image Optimization, and Custom Component Creation

  • Introduction to SQL and MySQL Database Setup
  • Understanding Data Types and Operators in SQL
  • Implementing Data Constraints for Data Integrity
  • Data Definition Language (DDL): Creating, Modifying, and Removing Tables
  • Data Manipulation Language (DML): Selecting, Filtering, Inserting, and Updating Data
  • Advanced DML Operations: Deleting, Ordering, Grouping, and Filtering Data
  • Combining Tables with SQL Joins
  • Performing Calculations with Aggregate Functions
  • Writing Nested Queries: Subqueries in SQL
  • Ensuring Data Consistency with Transactions

  • Introduction to Firebase and Project Setup
  • Working with Cloud Firestore for NoSQL Data Management
  • Implementing User Authentication with Firebase Auth
  • Managing Files and User-Generated Content with Firebase Storage

  • Introduction to Python, Environment Setup, and Package Management with pip
  • Variables, Data Types, and Basic Operations
  • Controlling Program Flow with Conditional Statements
  • Type Conversion and Exception Handling in Python
  • Working with Lists: Data Structures and Manipulation
  • Exploring Tuples and Sets: Immutable Data Structures
  • Key-Value Data Storage with Dictionaries
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Fundamentals: Introduction to Classes
  • Advanced OOP Concepts: Inheritance and Polymorphism
  • Organizing Code with Modules and Packages
  • Enhancing Code Reusability with Decorators
  • Efficient Iteration with Generators

  • Introduction to Django Framework and Project Setup
  • Understanding Django Project Structure and Organization
  • Connecting to Databases and Creating Superusers
  • Defining Data Models for Your Application
  • Creating Views and Handling User Input with Forms
  • Mapping URLs and Rendering Dynamic Content with Templates
  • Serving Static Files and Utilizing the Django Admin Interface
  • Enabling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
  • Implementing Authentication and Authorization with JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
  • Sending Emails from Your Django Application

  • Building a RESTful API with Django and MySQL Database Integration
  • Developing a Frontend Application and Connecting to the Backend API


12 Ratings
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Course includes:
  • img Level Expert
  • img Duration 3 Months
  • img Certifications Yes

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